Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lost and Found

I have always loved long, long rides, and i love them for a reason. I do like to think that staring out of a moving vehicle for long gives me enough time & space to detach from images. And after sometime, everything out on the road becomes a motionpicture show & no sight feels the least bit real nor actually ongoing.

This other morning i decided to track down my 'self' & find out where it goes missing leaving behind all what i see seemingly fictitious & unconnected to me.

And so i did.

It turned out my soul escapes like a miniature transparent apparition & curls up to rest in the inside of my ear separating the sight from the sound. So the road & everything visible turns to feel like a long forgotten past which i no more contain within me, whilst sounds feel like the truth; the happening; the now.

I am quite grateful to have finally found where i exist. Despite how weird it might sound, i do exist in my ear.

And i do sort of like it.


  1. I relate to this post :) well.. not till the end cause I'm not sure I know yet where I exist... both my eyes and my ears are almost equally important and inspirational to me.. but I relate A LOT to the first part about long rides!
    As a kid (and up until now) I'm used to riding in the car between Cairo & Alex (very very frequently).. and the best part is always where I get totally lost staring out of the window and listening to music in my head... and instead of just seeing the road.. i see a series of clips and movies of my own creation resembling who i am, what was before, and what's soon to come :)

    I like where you exist, goes perfectly well with the idea I have of you :)

  2. Yet another proof hearing is the most important sense for you :-).

    Like bluevoid I do relate too to this post. I love long rides, exactly for the same reason I like waiting (not in lines, but in an air-conditioned room); it's the idea of knowing that there's nothing you can do (whether it's waiting in a dentist's clinic or stuck in a traffic jam) for your destiny is not on your hands now. Similarly, being late for college but being relieved for a few seconds when you keep on calling the elevator but it's stuck somewhere. Obviously escapism..but this is probably another thing.

  3. Aye, i know what it's like to just imagine clips & films that go with soundtracks in your mind, this i consider normal. What seems a bit strange to me is when i see 'silent films'...& hear soundtracks that don't belong to them. It's like i split into 2, the surface self & the deeper being. A bit confusing i say :)

    I absolutely do love to wait myself, and i like to do things which people generally call boring. I wouldn't say it's escapism though, i'd only say it's being so at peace with your greater self that you all willingly surrender the moment to it. It sounds more like meditation to me.

  4. I think I am in love with your blog <3
